sharing with Critical Pathways and our initial stages of collaborating with photography ~
during our research and process in creating the material for the first sharing of work, we had been working with photographer Chris Daly in rehearsals. Chris came into the studio with us in one of our rehearsals and captured the essence of our research and movement material. i really like the photographs from that day, and have posted them on the blog pages. my thoughts of inviting a photographer to work with us in the process was to have images of movement material that we can feed back into our creative process in creating material. in a similar structure of creating material in improvisation with images and ideas reflecting through the movement.
in rehearsals we explored feelings and thoughts that we had experienced through the last two days before our rehearsal, also keeping awareness in our bodies in layers of structure and space, and in the spacial relationships we are creating.
we sketched three moments in time where we felt a connection with each other in space, and also noted three movements each that resonated for us in our own movement material.
these 12 moments that appeared in our improvisation continue to develop as movement material, and for the sharing with Critical Pathways, we selected one movement, one spacial orientation and one photographic image each to work with in performance.
Ria chose the first photograph above for its movement and connections in our legs, feet and knees, and i chose the second photograph for the detail with Ria's right arm movement in the frame, and the imagined movement in her torso.
we worked with Timo in the music and decided to select 5 mins from the original music score that would work well with our material, this was the ending of the original score that is quiet and rhythmic in electronic soundscapes. our feedback from the choreographers in the group was that of the soundscape gave an enhancing feeling in the landscapes in the movement material, and throughout different places in the music gave our material a new landscape visual in space. this is very positive response to continue working on these ideas in the future.
photography Chris Daly
we hope to continue collaborating with photography and movement in our process in researching movement material for bodies of water.